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Heart Attack Prevention Specialist


Cardiologists & Vein Care located in Santa Monica, CA

Each of the Alfieri Cardiology facilities serves many different communities, including Newark and Wilmington, Delaware. Dr. Paul Alfieri and Dr. Anthony Alfieri specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of heart attacks and other cardiovascular health problems.

Heart Attack Prevention Q & A

Can Stress Cause a Heart Attack?

Stress causes the body to work harder than normal. This includes the heart. When a person experiences extremely high levels of stress, the body releases adrenaline which causes the heart to beat faster and harder so that the circulatory system can keep up with the body's need for oxygen. The longer the stress remains in place, the harder the heart must work to help the body remain in a state of balance. When a person experiences stress for long periods of time and lives an unhealthy lifestyle, their risk of heart disease and, ultimately, a heart attack increases. Learning to cope with stress, control weight, and include healthy lifestyle habits will reduce the risk of a heart attack.

Can Heart Attacks be Prevented?

If a person realizes their potential for a heart attack is abnormally high, they can begin to implement healthy lifestyle changes and take positive measures to reduce the risk of a heart attack. Individuals who are already exhibiting signs of distress may have a much harder time preventing an episode. As soon as a person is diagnosed with any type of potentially dangerous heart disease, changes should be put into place to help restore their health. This means eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as lowering their cholesterol levels. Exercising is also important. The heart is a muscle and needs to be continually strengthened through exercise.

Should a Person Exercise After a Heart Attack?

Just because a person has had a heart attack doesn't mean they should not exercise. Mild forms of exercise will actually help a person get back on the road to recovery. Once a person has a heart attack, they should work hand in hand with their physician to find out what types of exercises are most beneficial for their condition. Walking, swimming, and stretching exercises are all ideal for individuals who have experienced a heart attack or other health problem that limits the amount of activity they can participate in. In many cases, the doctor will recommend working with a physical therapist until the patient fully recovers from the attack.